Boston: Thornton's Restaurant
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
Thorton's Restaurant fronts on Huntington Avenue. Because it's behind the Prudential Mall and within hailing distance of the Hilton, Sheraton, Colonnade, Lenox, Fairmont, Marriott Courtyard, Midtown, Westin, Marriott Copley and the Park Plaza Hotels, they're known beyond the confines of the South End. If you're in Back Bay, stop in for breakfast and lunch.Have an omelet with tomatoes but you can add mushrooms, peppers, onions and bacon to yours. Dom orders the eggs gusto that are poached with potatoes, spinach, mushrooms, bacon, provolone and pesto Parmesan sauce. It looks like eggs Benedict but the cheese makes it intense. Along with eggs any way, have pancakes, crepes, oatmeal, waffles, French toast, bagels, fruit and bacon.
Lunch is all the usual suspects on a sandwich or in a wrap. Fries, crispy, hot and salty, blow us away. Eighteen salads keep it light. We're here Sunday morning and sitting outside makes all the difference. It's shady, breezy and though everyone's here, we're served promptly. Soon all the plates are clean.
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Thornton's Restaurant
150 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
617. 267. 6336
© July 15, 2013
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