About Us
Corporate Edge helps set up space, ditch clutter, file and get organized. We connect with managing partners, founders, directors and entrepreneurs to do things you don't want to (but not everything). Systems and protocols by the project or continuing.Kitty Kaufman
Before she started Corporate Edge, Kitty was a team member at Harday Manufacturing Company, Inc, a family business. After, she was an account executive for First Data and did account service for Citicorp, definitely not family businesses. She has written about restaurants with One for the Table. (None of the hundreds of term papers she had to write in college had anything to do with food - just dead guys.)Rob Kaufman
Orion Wholesale Lighting in Amherst, MA is our partner for lighting design and landscaping and business services. Orion serves nation-wide developers with energy efficient lighting solutions for institutional and commercial retrofits and new construction. E & G Garden Design serves New England and New York with installations, soil balancing, annual displays, bulbs, seasonal maintenance and containers: E G Garden Design. Rob was a colleague at Harday Manufacturing.
Corporate Edge Colleagues:
- Scott Poulin web designer, Arsenal Productions
- Incredible Nathaniel IT & systems integration
- Milne Ramsey American painter from Philadelphia 1847-1915
Wikipedia: "Milne Ramsey was an American artist who painted still lifes, landscapes and nautical scenes. Ramsey studied at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts and under Léon Bonnat in Paris. Ramsey spent the high point of his career in France but returned to Philadelphia during the last years of his life."
This still life with kettle and herring is from 1882. Anyone can paint flower-filled vases and fruit. It takes a real artist to capture dead fish and make them the subject of this important work. More information on request.
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Italian Western

Fine kettle of fish

Food, and art

Red hot and blue

Yes, we have no meatballs

Meatballs and calamari in Roslindale

Pon cooks with fire

Happy, happy new year

New York state of mind

Industry standard

Ta dah

Eat dessert first