Santa Monica, CA: Locanda Del Lago
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman

Eve's going for one of a raft of panini; this one's Milano cheesesteak: flat iron steak with onions and peppers, Provolone, salsa verde and garlic aioli. It's quite something. It's free range. (On the menu they have symbols for house specialty, vegetarian, free range and gluten free.) It's an array of meat blanketed with cheese and slushed with green sauce which could have parsley, vinegar, capers, garlic and anchovies in olive oil. It's Eve's favorite. One bite for me.

Around the corner is the farmers market. Since 1981, the market has this location on Arizona Avenue; another on Virginia Avenue; and Sundays on Main Street in Heritage Square. If you're in Santa Monica Wednesday and Saturday all year, rain or shine (8 - 1 pm) here are some, barely, of what you'll harvest from 120 vendors. Who knew to count? Food, farming and community by the bushel. More on the markets
You think you know fruit? Vegetables? Not until you've seen tomato, eggplant, bitter melon, honey, nuts, almonds from Fat Uncles Farms, orchids, African violets, goat cheese, avocados,greens, herbs, asparagus, zucchini, cauliflower, artichokes, apples,carrots, beets, melons, peaches, papaya, lemons, grapefruit, beans, peas, berries, sprouts from everything, figs, plums, pears, watermelon, cheese curds, European butter, cream cheese, kale, dill, lemongrass, mint, parsley, spinach, stevia, raddiccio, mint, lavender, chives, apricots and bison. It's here.

Good shopping as we taste our way through today's 50 vendors. A man asking for money flashes a sign: "Give me money or I'll vote for Trump." If there's time, do the beach. And calamari that's never seen water. Oh, and though we are here for hours, we don't see a single person we know.

Locanda Del Lago
231 Arizona Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90401
310. 451. 3525
Santa Monica Farmers Markets
Arizona Ave @ 3rd Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
310. 458. 8712
© November 22, 2016 Eve Lubin lives and works in Los Angeles. She knows food, wine and she cooks. Somehow we are related. Kitty Kaufman is a Boston writer. See more of their food adventures at Corporate Edge and follow Kitty on Twitter
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