Boston: Sophia's Grotto
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman

Right where you come in there's a tribute to Sophia Loren, what else. Sadly, she's not at the bar nor over the stove. We know. Grotto points to a patio with umbrellas, heat lamps, overflowing potted plants done up by someone who knows what they're doing, a pink flowered trellis, and trees that even in snow wear a promise of summer and gin in a halo of pink lights. Inside it's brick with high ceilings that looks to be a loft easily from the previous century if not the one before. Tiny pink sparklers are everywhere. You may need to know someone or come early for the seven-seat bar. Snug booths = romance; 40 seats are all taken on this night when to drive means taking life lightly.

Finally, Mo's scallops and risotto, a mellow mix with mushrooms and asparagus with seared scallops. Making scallops? It's not easy to get them out in time but they did and they are. Mo's polite so there are leftovers. The next day risotto's still creamy with bright asparagus undismayed by a night at the refrigerator. Who doesn't want lunch of what we didn't finish last night? And meatballs, some left to travel. That's a lunch.

An apt setting: Spanish and Italian music, efficient service, and a Tuscan wall with shutters Diane Lane sat by in Under the Tuscan Sun. Kind of romantic, right? We sit for 2 1/2 hours nursing drink and Italian bread we make the most of with its bean and hummus spread. Though we did not, do dessert: cannolis, tiramisu, chocolate mousse cake and New York cheesecake.

Sophia's Grotto
22R Birch St
Roslindale, MA 02131
617. 323. 4595
© April 12, 2016 Mo Ortega, who lives in Boston, will make you beautiful. Kitty Kaufman is a Boston writer. See more food adventures at Corporate Edge and Twitter
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