Boston, Cambridge and South End: Flour Bakery
One for the Table - BostonLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos Dilusha De Tissera

Flour opens weekdays at 6:30 and goes through early dinner. Sometimes chefs work up front so you watch them assembling your lunch. If the counter's too tall, drooling on bakery cases is okay. Don't dawdle because lines form quickly. If you must, eat dessert first. It turns out that Flour people think so too since it's their slogan: "make life sweeter . . . eat dessert first." We always see people who cannot wait but we are not those people.
All Flour's are noisy and fun: high ceilings and concrete floors left over from the Farnsworth Street's former incarnation, and kids (their grilled cheese tastes nothing like home). The prep space is four times bigger than the common area. Twenty people are waiting. Here's what you do: Step up, give your order to a friendly server, go through the line, and pay. Gather napkins, condiments and straws before they call your number. We get a table.
This is Kim's first visit and she's debating salads: quinoa and tofu or bean and mozzarella? No, it's chopped Greek with romaine, feta, olives, onions, tomato, lemon chicken, chickpeas, cucumbers, pickled banana peppers and lemony green goddess dressing. Owner Joanne Chang says eaters underestimate the magic of balancing bread and filling. Yes, and salads too.

One day I have the portobello with pesto, mozzarella and tomato that's pressed into a gooey, green mouthful and it's splendid. Try turkey, tuna, chicken, roast beef, hummus and mozzarella variations all with great go-withs plus a breakfast sandwich done up with eggs, bacon and cheddar.
Oh right, dessert. Today, Kim goes for a macaroon cookie with a chewy almondy crispy outside. We see cookies for dogs along with people granola, apples, oranges, mugs, vegan, vegetarian, aprons and trail mix along with short bread, biscotti and coffee.

I'm nuts over the pecan roll. (My mother and I discuss what our ideal breakfast could be. It starts with eggs, potatoes, bacon and ends with grilled, buttered pecan rolls. Right, and then she pulls out the box of corn flakes.) Have it.
Flour Bakery
12 Farnsworth St with six others in Boston and Cambridge
Boston, MA 02210
617. 338. 4333
© January 6, 2014 for One for the Table. Dilusha De Tissera is a Cambridge photographer and marketing guru. Kitty Kaufman is a writer in Boston. See more food adventures at Corporate Edge and follow Kitty on Twitter
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