Dedham: Deli After Dark in the daylight
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman

I grew up in New York where coffee shops bloom on every corner in Manhattan and Long Island. Shopping or hair cut, Mom and I are never more than steps from a BLT or egg salad with an ice cream soda. Deli after Dark's sandwich menu includes The Pilgrim (which must be a New England thing) and Super Mario, who was not yet born when I was a kid. They wrap: Buffalo chicken, Texas twister with BBQ, Honey Bee and Fitzy's Baja, like tacos with chicken. No malteds or ice cream sodas that we can see and that's okay: there are spirits.

Deli After Dark is closed.
Deli After Dark
545 High Street
Dedham, MA 02026
781. 326. 9863
© May 25, 2016 Christine Smith is an attorney. Kitty Kaufman is a Boston writer. See more of their adventures at Corporate Edge
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