Milton:Steel & Rye
One for the TableLet's eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Julie Moffatt

Hungry as hippos after a big tap-out, now we have our menu and we're breaking out the flashlights. It's weird because you can't call it dark exactly and you better not call us old. I should have taken the menu because what's online is a "sampling of our offerings" since the selections change nightly.
We start with Domaine Pichot Vouvray. It's light and raisin-y with a tart apple finish. Good choice because now we're digging into cream-based squash soup with pomegranate. I'm finding ginger, maybe pumpkin, and apples. No clue what's making it so light and fluffy. We use brown bread to mop up; it's what they call in New England anadama bread which usually means wheat flour, cornmeal and molasses. Anadama bread turned up in Rockport, MA in the mid-1800s. Smooshed along the steel plate, the butter's filled with salt crystals and from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Steel & Rye for no olive oil, no honeyed spread and no hummus - it's just butter.

Since it's big and busy, we're checking to see if we know anyone. I don't but then it's not my neighborhood. Most of the 150 seats are taken and it's just as well no one knows us because we're not exactly, um, trendy tonight if we ever are. The bar's got a mixed crowd - it draws from Dorchester, South Boston, Canton and Milton along with industry people - always a good sign and they'll keep things going long after we crash.

Steel & Rye
95 Eliot St
Milton, MA 02186
617. 690. 2787
© February 3, 2014 for One for the Table
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