Cambridge: Russell House Tavern
It's on One for the TableLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Dilusha De Tissera

We're downstairs in the dark marble bar. Dilusha orders cast iron seared fish of the day, striped bass, and it's on grilled bread with heaps of greens. Her salad is slathered with onions and oranges, pickled something, and peppy green aioli. She is nuts about it. Mine is a fried clam roll, very crispy it turns out, with arugula, bacon and a salad of pickled fennel, greens and onions. This is not your usual clam roll; it's so good we eat it with the roll and we never eat the roll.

On the way in I met the Island Creek guy, double-parked in Harvard Square, rolling a dolly. Right now they're showing Virginia Misty Points along with Island Creeks from Duxbury. I stop him so I can inhale summer, ocean and mud all bagged up. He urges me to have some but I order snapper with a salty, lemony outside, piled on toast with salad and onions.

Russell House Tavern
14 John F. Kennedy St
Cambridge, MA 02138
617. 500. 3055
© May 8, 2013 for One for the Table
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