Boston: Myers + Chang
It's on One for the TableLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Julie Moffatt

I'm up for Chinese chicken salad which now makes all other salads with mayo ho-hum. Who doesn't love cashews, orange and crispy wontons piled high with citrus vinaigrette? It's nuo'c cha'm sauce with heat. Our wait person is pointing out which items are three star, meaning really hot. The health coach wants Thai chicken salad with lemongrass, mint, cilantro and rice noodles tossed in fish sauce and lime dressing. This one has toasted rice, nothing like breakfast cereal because it's very crunchy. Both salads carry one-star heat and they're just hot enough to be fun.

On the way out the manager stops us since we're the only ones taking pictures. He says independent, locally-owned shops are choice after you've "trained" in a chain setting.
Myers + Chang
1145 Washington St (South End)
Boston MA 02118
617. 542. 5200
© May 28, 2013 for One for the Table
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