Boston: McCormick & Schmick's
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Janet Vohs
Sometimes you just need a big restaurant in the middle of the city to warm you up on girls night out. We're at McCormick & Schmick's in the Park Plaza Hotel in Back Bay. Everyone is glad to see us and it's bright and cheery. If you're upstairs in the hotel, what could be easier? It's Friday and we suspect it gets frantic when there's a convention but this is not one of those nights. How happy are we that we crossed the street? Just ask me.

Everything went into the oil and it works, even for purists. But it's the aioli we're still talking about, a lemon stunner Janet says is like lemon meringue without the sugar. (I tried it at home: adding lemon juice to Hellman's and it's nowhere as good as theirs. Extra lemon makes mayo more fun and it's a keeper for things like spinach and broccoli.) You'll find more appetizers: sliders, mussels, burgers, quesadillas and shrimp with firecrackers and not unreasonably, they want you to have a drink. Yes, mellow Mondavi Fumé Blanc will be fine.
Polite eaters may decide a couple of appetizers are enough and while it's true, it would be sad to miss the main events. Our server more than makes up for the slow kitchen even as she politely declines my offer to help the chef. Janet and I are splitting mahi-mahi, and they don't mind. Ahi is for sushi. Mahi-mahi, similar but not matching, is also referred to as dorado or common dolphin fish and is related to pompano, not the mammal. It's plated with crunchy green beans and mashed potatoes and we need potatoes to chill out the peppers. The kitchen serves us on two plates so we don't have to and it is more than enough. They also have cod, shark, trout, swordfish and salmon your way. We take ours plain but you can top yours with crab, shrimp scampi, relish, Oscar and firecracker sauce. What they call their "signature" fish plates can be dooded with cashews, Parmesan, almonds, bread crumbs, casino and blackening. It's good they list the ingredients so I can tiptoe away from relish.

I tell myself McCormick and Schmick must be real and it turns out they are real guys. So there it is. You don't have to limit yourselves to a happy hour: make it a happy meal. P. S. This location closed August 2015.
McCormick & Schmick's
34 Columbus Avenue (Park Plaza Hotel)
Boston, MA 02116
617. 482. 3999
© March 1 for One for the Table
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