Eat at Joe's?
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
Joe's American is a chain with 1984 beginnings. It feels old; shabby dinner menus are a small thing but you notice.As mall relief, it's okay. We had the roast chicken which the 5678 eater finished right up. Caesar salad came with dressing that had no Roman connection but it worked. The menu describes burgers as "great, cooked perfectly and ground fresh," along with "eggseptional omelettes" and meals "created for you by our talented chefs." Yuck.
Many prices end in 99's as in .99 for fried chicken, steak tips .99 and filet mignon, "the finest of beef, broiled perfectly with real mashed potatoes" for .99. Other descriptors: "fall-off-the-bone, succulent, juicy, hand-cut, tempting, tailor made, famous chocolate cake and apple pie." Oh, well. The service is accommodating and the gin was very good.
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© July 9, 2012
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