Boston: Eat at Jae's
One for the Table - BostonLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Julie Moffatt

We had many meals at Jae's Atrium. It's where we learned drink as bartenders coached how wine is everything. It's where we had our first bibimbap and kimchi. If we had colds we downed their radish, cabbage, cucumber, spinach, bean sprouts, scallions, garlic, chili peppers, seaweed, mushrooms and lotus root soup. My mother and I were there one Sunday at the bar eating sushi and just as she's asking for a fork, who walks in but Jae.

We order an all green lunch except for, you know, the wine and the sake maki. The wine's a Columbia Valley Pacific Rim Riesling, dry and crisp, just what we want with greens and ginger. Overall, it's hard to single out what was our favorite but right now we're saying the Popeye roll: spinach, carrot and cucumber never had it so good. Our server says most people miss it completely. Don't.

520 Columbus Avenue (South End)
Boston, MA 02118
617. 421. 9405
© August 22, 2013 for One for the Table
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