Cambridge: Harvest shines on
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Lan Dennie

It's warm so we opt for the patio where there are bonsais and ivy, what else. Our server is Anthony, who's taking very good care of us. He's bringing Lan the Les Vins de Vienne, Les Laurelles Viognier, one of her favorites.

Dessert? We absolutely cannot. Lan says we'll come back to sit at the bar for wine with a Key lime tart: "crème fraiche mousse, basil meringue, grapefruit gel poppy seed olive oil cookie, hibiscus marshmallow, pickled lemon chamomile crumble & compressed citrus" or something simple that comes with a ton of chocolate. I still want to see the kitchen and if I remember right, this was one of the first open ones. Though I would, I can't congratulate them because they do it all themselves. But I guess when you make it to 40, it's accurate to say venerable. Shine on, Harvest, shine on.
Harvest Restaurant
44 Brattle St
Cambridge, MA 02138
617. 868. 2255
© July 27, 2015 Photos by Lan Dennie. Kitty Kaufman is a Boston writer. Read more of their food adventures at Corporate Edge and follow Kitty on Twitter
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