Providence: Capital Grille
Read it on One for Table - New England
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos courtesy Capital Grille

I don't have to tell you how hard it is to pick a place to eat. It's not like I didn't have any notice. We knew months in advance that I had to find the right spot for dinner in a place I don't know, that I can't find without a GPS and that's open Monday. There are places you can starve on Mondays and Providence is one. At the visitor's request, it must be: "A place you've never been that will break the bank, and that you can write about." Or what we call a regular working dinner. Years ago, in their Newton, MA store, I sat at the bar with beer and a wedge salad. That was when I was still allowed to have blue cheese, bacon and sour cream all on the same plate. Surely that doesn't count and so, of course, I don't tell. It's not like I'm going to have it again though I could. It's on the menu just as I remember.

Brancott with shrimp cocktail? You bet. I try to have none and then, of course, I cave. Really, they're beautiful, with cocktail sauce that's been run though a passel of peppers. They term it spicy and they're right. I never order shrimp and I should, so sharp when they're ice cold. Even brown bread studded with walnuts, and warm sesame rolls are elegant. You don't have to ask for bread, it comes, with actual butter; real salt and pepper shakers are right where you expect them. Shrimp is followed by hot towels, rolls by crumbing.

As if this isn't enough, which it is, Vince insists we need more vegetables: roasted mushrooms and bright spinach which our server, Joel, is kind enough to bring in 1/2 orders, thank goodness. You definitely want these particular balsamic mushrooms and we parcel them out accordingly. It's a lot of food and I'm thinking, is it going to be tacky to ask for leftovers to go? I am assured that it's nothing of the kind. (It's too bad you weren't in my kitchen for Tuesday's lunch that I ate right out of the container in a jumble of salmon, halibut and vegetables that were still sensational.)
The setting is clubby: oil paintings, an array of clocks, arched vaults, civil lighting, heavy linen, carpet, with leather everywhere. There must be music but I don't hear it. I hear nothing from the next table or the open kitchen. They've seated parties of two, three and four apart from each other and everyone's left the children at home. I don't say this but I'm thinking about chefs who create modern settings without benefit of carpet and linens, who traffic in the loudest of tunes. It's a real treat: a meal where it's possible to converse in our inside voices and no one's having to lean in at all.

Capital Grille
One Union Station
Providence, RI 02903
401. 521. 5600
© August 18, 2014 for One for the Table
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