Chestnut Hill: Brio
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman

Dessert: dolchinos, so how much damage could they do, of creme brulee, cheesecake and gelato at least? What they label full-size (not eaters) take in layer cake, tiramisu, cheesecake and torte. We're tempted and here's what we do not have but you could, though district manager Ross Kirchner does a good job offering. Eat dessert first, maybe.

Inside, it's airy and cozy at the same time. Booths seat six or eight. The bar is big enough for everyone you know and might want to hang out with. Private rooms work for small parties. Today, we guess Chestnut Hill lunchers worry about wind and hair so inside is busy with them's. Outside, we meet a fitness instructor from Equinox, the work harder, jump higher fitness place. She's come from three classes and no, we didn't really have to ask her what she does, if you know what I mean. I want to know what she orders. Inside, the kitchen's right where you can see it, if that's your thing; it's mine, someone else's kitchen is always a treat. I wonder if anyone's considered cooking on the terrace? It seems an apt setup and there looks to be space.

Brio Tuscan Grille
200 Boylston Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
© November 17, 2015 Kitty Kaufman is a Boston writer. More food adventures Corporate Edge
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