Boston: B&G Oysters
One for the Table's Boston ReviewsLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Julie Moffatt

The salmon's seated on sweet and sour pepperade. Plating: the chef goes all out since he caught us snapping photos. The purist goes for the fried clam roll and cole slaw. Because we're partial to oysters, it's been so long since we had clams that we forget how they bring ocean right to your plate. The purist also likes the fried calamari which she would have all the time except we must eat other things. Mark tells us the fries are seasoned with parsley, chervil, chives and tarragon. Next time we'll have the BLT or the lobster BLT though it's hard to imagine even lobster could improve a bacon sandwich.

There's a lot of history in the South End when it comes to how things have changed. Twenty-five years ago there were no places to eat. (I remember the St. Cloud on Tremont just across the street. It was the first cool place where jeans were fine.) I discovered beer. Beer out is better than beer at home. Out, they bring a glass that's been frozen for days. If only I could remember to do that.
We like the warmth and informality of the open kitchen, smart servers, and that it's okay to come by yourself. Their menu rotates and some things we mention here may be on hiatus. Don't go without a reservation. You'll love the patio. B & G is one of eight in Barbara Lynch's current roster. The James Beard Foundation announced Lynch is one of this year's nominees to its Who's Who of Food & Beverage in America honoring culinary professionals who "display remarkable talent and achievement."
B & G Oysters
550 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02116
617. 423. 0550
© April 1, 2013 for One for the Table - Kitty Kaufman is a writer in Boston. See more of her food adventures at Corporate Edge and follow Kitty on Twitter
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