Boston: Audubon
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Kathryn Blair
Audubon is a sleek bar with good food. Two Kats on Beacon Street are just over the Brookline/Boston line with a 15-minute walk to Fenway and Boston University. No, we're not off to a game; Kat and I are having a goodbye lunch since this is her last day working at BU and she's off to a new design position. Why didn't we do this sooner? It's fun.Chef Suzi Maitland puts out starters, salads, sides and sandwiches with a classy nod to vegetarians. We choose broccoli that's truffle salted and blue cheesed. (President Bush might change his mind about broccoli if he had it here: grilled with cheese that stays till the last spear is gone.) I think about taking an order to go, though I know broccoli will not do well in the car. Anyway, a worthy green addition to the chili, potstickers, bratwurst, mussels and wings to start.

Kat's having a prosciutto and apple press with cheddar and honey mustard on sourdough. It does matter, the cheese, the mustard and the pressing. Whoever started pressing lunch, thank you. Nothing in your lap and if it's too big, just fork it. Red cabbage slaw's crisp with vinegar. Kat's into taking pictures of what she eats so much that Mom's been known to say, 'eat already.' Anyway, arugula with honeycrisps, a hunk of cheese with a wedge of ham make a fun plate and no, it is not being shared. I get it.

Audubon Boston
838 Beacon St
Boston, MA 02215
617. 421.1910
© June 29, 2015 Photos by Kathryn Blair. Kitty Kaufman is a writer in Boston. See more of their food adventures at Corporate Edge and on Twitter
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