Boston: Via Matta
It's on One for the Table's Boston Restaurant ReviewsLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman

Schlow gets interviewed a lot. He was on the radio last week and of course, he brings food to the hosts. As you would expect, doughnuts make the guys happy. On his website, he lists places he likes to eat, not just in Boston. I see that he and I agree on the local places. As well, he posts recipes with pictures that make you want to run right over to Via Matta. I ate this calamari right away.

3 oz of extra virgin olive oil
6-7 thin slices of garlic
large pinch of kosher salt
large pinch of fresh cracked black pepper
large pinch of crushed red pepper
pinch of fresh thyme
6 ozs of fresh squid, cut into rings
1/2 cup of fresh lima beans, blanched (canned can be substituted)
1/2 cup of fresh, ripe tomatoes,medium dice
10-12 black olives, pits removed, cut in half
2 tsp of capers
1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley
juice of half a lemon
Place a large sauté pan over high heat, add olive oil and garlic. Cook garlic until light golden brown, about two minutes. Add salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, thyme. Add squid and cook for approx. two minutes. Add all other ingredients and gently warm.
It's capered and you taste the squid in its peppery red sauce; no breading. So relieved that it comes with not a single lima bean. For his kitchen mood, Schlow has a list of tunes he likes to cook by. I can picture him on an endless loop of "Grazing in the Grass," "Walking to New Orleans," and "Baby, I'm Yours" leaning over the grill putting together our meal. Well, maybe not him, but still. What are they playing now and have they moved on to Graham Parker's 1976 "Between You and Me" and Cressy St Breakdown's "Cookin' on Three Burners."
We start with Umbrian Grechetto Colli Martani that she calls floral with minerals. It takes a lot of tasting to find a retail wine that goes down this well. As it happens, there's a fair amount of what I call inexpensive wine, showcased at our favorite places, that tastes much better than you expect. The trick, of course, is finding them.

A protected patio means you can try the stylish palm court on cooler days and you may bring your dog. Though it fronts a busy street, there's no sense of the ongoing construction and traffic; ditto the romantic dining room that gives me the feeling we've gone off to somewhere else. Lunch also offers pizza, with sandwiches and pasta for those who can eat more than I. Our server, Vincente, has a team working with him as they bring, no, they don't just bring, they present our plates. It is a presentation.
I'm wondering now if Dan remembers our lunch here and my job interview so long ago. His office was just upstairs. The food was good then, it had to be if I noticed with all my stage fright, and it's very good now. LA friends, you can visit Michael Schlow's place, Cavatina, on Alta Loma in West Hollywood. It's similar, sort of, but not at all matching. Let me know what you think.
Via Matta
79 Park Plaza
Boston, MA 02116
617. 422. 0008
© November 3, 2014 for One for the Table
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