Cambridge: Evoo la la
One for the Table - Boston
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman - photos by Dilusha De Tissera, Julie Moffatt

Right off, Evoo changes the menu often; each day but if not, for sure by the week which means they ax a favorite without warning. I just checked: what we had, the Pig Pile, you can't so wait for it. No matter, what you will not be is bored. While many kitchens call their cuisine eclectic, Evoo has a gift for New American eclectic. And if you're going to write about novel dishes, take notes and get the menu on your way out because by the time you get around to it, they've thrown a curve and moved on.

Dessert: it's warm chocolate truffle cake with toasted marshmallow cream. You know how torched marshmallow always brings back eau de s'more? For the record, s'mores at girl scout camp on Long Island were nothing like this since we had no torches, only campfires, and truffles hadn't been invented.
Dinner Sunday evening is a much-needed respite from the week's drama. We are four and the hungry le bébé, who's now 2 1/2 and who used to eat whatever we put in front of her, is no more. Not even thin crispy bread sticks. Codorníu's Brut Cava goes down sparklingly.

We're having dessert: we love warm apple crisp with a nutty oatmeal topping finished with brown sugar cinnamon ice cream even if there's no chocolate. After, I tuck le bébé under my arm and walk over to the open kitchen hoisting her so she can say hi to the guys. They do, she won't but she gets to see them in action. They're friendly, like the servers and host with the usual Cambridge vibe.

350 Third Street (Kendall Square)
Cambridge, MA
617. 661. 3866
© March 10, 2014 for One for the Table
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