Boston: 224 Boston Street
One for the Table - BostonLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Kim DeVito

You enter the red room with the bar to get to the green room with the chefs. It's an open kitchen that's noisy and friendly. The menu points traditional American: meatloaf, sirloin, mac 'n cheese, risotto, duck, pork chop, lamb along with salmon, cod cakes and scallops along with sangría cold enough to induce brain freeze.

Romaine salad has a kind of do-it-yourself edge: there's lettuce, chunky croutons and Parmesan that you get to chop and toss with mellow dressing. At the end, I'd like to say we tried dessert: the death by chocolate, cheesecake, crème brûlée, Boston cream pie and the banana split but we can't. It's opening season for tap and we gotta fit into our shoes.
224 Restaurant
224 Boston Street
Dorchester, MA 02125
617. 265. 1217
© September 16, 2013 for One for the Table
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